The fall transition can be a unique and challenging time for bass anglers. Bass will often disperse this time of year due to roaming forage, falling water levels, shorter daylight hours and dropping water temperatures. While each lake across the country has its own nuances, a key to late summer/early fall on many impoundments is a topwater pattern that is just beginning to develop.
During the early fall, many populations of bass tend to roam across all depth zones. In most cases, anglers will find success utilizing topwater baits that cover large amounts of water efficiently. Walking baits such as the MEGADOG-X or DOG-X DIAMANTE and buzzbaits like the JAMAICA BOA enable anglers to do just that in lakes across the country.
The MEGADOG-X is a large, 7in walking bait with a big profile that pushes a ton of water as it walks. The MEGADOG’s powerful walk creates a huge surface disturbance that draws fish from both distance and depth. These explosive characteristics will trigger roaming bass to investigate, often eliciting vicious strikes or enabling follow-up bites with finesse soft plastics. Low light scenarios paired with water clarity over 3ft are preferred conditions to throw a large topwater bait such as this. Main and secondary points are prime targets as bass can be found across all depth zones in these areas.

Proper gear and retrieve is crucial when utilizing large topwaters such as the MEGADOG-X. We recommend at least 40lb braided line and the DESTROYER P5 USA MARK-56. A leader is optional, but we’d recommend fluorocarbon or thicker diameter monofilament to minimize stretch. The action of the MARK-56 rod is purpose-built to handle the large lures, and the tip is carefully designed to impart action to big walking baits and glidebaits alike. On longer casts in particular, the no-stretch braid helps transmit the full power of rod work to generate big splash walking action.
Walking this bait with a moderate/fast cadence that imitates a fleeing baitfish will trigger bass’ feeding instincts and elicit high speed chases and strikes. Color selection will vary with the light levels and water clarity, but PM Ayu is a great starting point. HT Ghost & Flash is a popular option with greater water clarity, and higher contrast colors/patterns with more opacity when water conditions are less clear.

Shallow zones of many lakes also hold an abundance of forage and roaming bass in this time of year. Cover in these areas often make throwing treble hook baits difficult. When presented with this, the JAMAICA BOA will shine. Like the MEGADOG-X , this bait offers a large surface disturbance, but excels in cover areas where treble hook offerings fear to swim.
Again, covering water is key. Focusing on flatter banks and the rear sections of creek arms and coves in many lakes will create opportunity for success. Manmade structures, wood and grass, and even bare rock banks all hold potential to hold numbers of bass. Covering water at a fast pace with a moderate/fast retrieve while making sure your casts land as close to the bank as possible is key. Bass will reside in extremely shallow water throughout the year, and this time of year is no exception.
For the JAMAICA BOA, 40lb braid is also the line of choice, but we recommend the DESTROYER P5 USA DAEMOS. Its intuitive loading characteristics and wellspring of power facilitate accurate casts and unleash powerful hooksets. For anglers that find themselves setting the hook too early and missing bites, we recommend switching from braid to monofilament line to benefit from that extra line stretch before the hookset. As with the MEGADOG-X, color selection is situational, but options such as Ghost Smoke and Green Pumpkin will excel in clear water, while Black Mamba or Full Chart are often better suited for stained water situations.

Late Summer/early Fall fishing can be challenging in many regions, but by mastering late summer topwater patterns, anglers can find success in their favorite waters.